My First Semester At Uni.

Alcohol. Boys. Change. Early mornings. Late nights. Food fights. “I have no money”. Taxi. Missing shoes. Take aways. Too much work.

These are just some of the things you will encounter during your first year at uni and many more. Here’s a few examples of conversations you will have (I know it says MY first semester but this actually applies to everyone.)

1.”What time we booking the taxi?” “Have you booked the taxi yet?” “How many we booking the taxi for?” “Who’s booking the taxi?” “TAXI’S HERE!”

2. 20:00 “You going out tonight?” “Nahh, I’ve got a 9 o clock lecture in the morning with Dragon Lady” “Sure you don’t want to go out?” “Yeah”….. 23:01 “F**k it let’s go out!”

3. “When’s our assignment due?” “I didn’t know we had to do that!!” “Send me your essay so I can copy?” ” How many words you done?” “Are the quotes part of the word count?” “For God’s sake, who’s Harvard and why do we have to reference him?!”

So the long and short of it all is that, when you are a fresher, nothing is as it seems. You go out far less than you thought, you eat more take away and rubbish than ever before, you join a gym and then quit after 2 months, you eat Domino’s everyday for 2 weeks (or was that just me and my flat mates?) and you keep forgetting to buy toilet roll, even though you promised your parents you’d buy it every week.

The one thing I will say about my first semester at uni, is that I’ve had the time of my life. I’ve met people that I know I’ll still be friends with when I’m finger knitting with my arthritis-ridden hands. I’ve never laughed so much, like ever. And I’ve still managed to keep up with Eastenders.

Chelsie 1-0 Uni